All specified models alternate in the game. A model: Contains the properties of a model, if more than one model is used for the same variant.Item frames are treated as blocks and use "map=false" for a map-less item frame, and "map=true" for item frames with maps. If set to an array, the model is chosen randomly from the options given, with each option being specified in separate subsidiary -tags. Each variant can have one model or an array of models and contains their properties. A block with just one variant uses "" as a name for its variant. or A variant: Name of a variant, which consists of the relevant block states separated by commas.variants: Holds the names of all the variants of the block.The files are used directly based on their filename, thus a block state file with another name than the existing ones does not affect any block. These files are stored in the following folder: assets/ /blockstates. The models are then used depending on the block states of the block. Blocks can also be compound of several different models at the same time, called "multipart". There are several different variants of some blocks (like doors, which can be open or closed), hence each block has its own block state file, which lists all its existing variants and links them to their corresponding models. The object specified by a resource location and its corresponding object type and suffix are as follows: suffix, where the path can contain subfolders separated by /, such as namespace:foo/bar/baz ( foo and bar are folders, baz is the real file name). In these files, the path corresponding to the resource location namespace:path is assets/ namespace/ object_type/ path.

See also Resource_location#Locating_contents_in_packs. In JSON files of models and block states, the resource location in the form of namespace:path (the minecraft namespace can be omitted) is used to represent the local file path. 3.4 Examples: Condensing multiple textures into one file.