The most common causes of this issue are: The various users from the “RE123_modding_forum” and “PSXDev” Discord servers, for helping out as well.Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests.SolidSnake11, from the “Peace of Mind” Discord server, for figuring out how the movies’ attributes were coded in the game’s executable.Wes67, for this RE1_Rebuild tool and his Ultimate Director’s Cut mod, which served as inspiration for this mod.You have two patches to select from: one with the original BGM and one with the OST from the DualShock ver. Matches the Redump Database values listed in the ROM / ISO Information section. You should patch Track 1 and Track 1 only, using xdelta (provided).

This patch is aimed at the Greatest Hits DualShock Ver. The addition of more content to this mod is in the works, mainly the restoration of the backgrounds from the memos that were present in the Japanese releases.

One year later, in 1997, the game received a Director’s Cut update, with many additions, including “the complete uncutĪnd uncensored Resident Evil cinemas”, as stated on the back of the case. Sadly, Resident Evil suffered from some questionable censorship. The game was a major success, selling over 2.75 million copies at the time. Happy Resident Evil 25th Anniversary! On March 23th 1996, Capcom released in Japan the first game with the “Survival Horror” tag on the PlayStation: Biohazard, released a week later in